JANUARY 9TH, 2024 // WEEK 1

Take a local non-profit organisation and enhance its services. Innovative solutions, sustainable business practices that impact your target community.

God its like our previous project all over again. GOD.


Some things to think about from the last project

Types of charities/ non profits out there

NGOs and Non-Profits in Singapore

Lecturer’s input.

Jung: Go for something more hard hitting like mental health or education. Something more impactful so there’s more to work off of rather than animals (cry we didnt even mention we wanted to tackle animals).

Wil: Look into what societal issues these are tackling. Consider if there’s already project that’s been impacted last semester and if you want to retackle this.

JANUARY 11TH, 2024 // WEEK 1

Basically, the organisation we ended up going with last minute last class was Limitless. I have like major slacker energy and i’m constantly worrying if I’m doing enough so i took it upon me to do up some research so we at least have some things to show next class.

It’s a non-profit organization founded with the desire to see every youth given the opportunity to live out their potential. They tackle aspects of bullying, abuse, sexuality and the impact of the income gap. They don't seem to have a lot of solutions right off the batt aside from talks and counselling.

We immediately got consulted LOL but we’ve done research in between classes so we had things to say.


They have two service aspects:

They also host events upon request. You're able to choose between a councillor, youth worker or coach for presentations, programs, meetings, school programmes, and the set up of information booths.

They do have a page where they have facts and research on depression, cutting and self harm, and how to help those with symptoms. This could also be another whitespace for a touchpoint.